Monday, July 9, 2007

impeach him... FINALLY!!!

Come on... ive been waiting for them to impeach him from the moment he stole gore's presidency.... i kept saying it when 9-11 happened, and have said it for as long as IRAQ has been common talk... and finalll now, we need to ALL SAY IT, together.. and lets do something..time is running out.. soon he gets away with a 250K a yr pension of OUR tax money... and never is called out for his crimes. The statute of limitations ends when our bush empire is forced down... holy smokes... the day is near... america is back like it was.. when clinton was pres... before actors turned governors, and suddenly become the better of the evils...

to me.. the best part is that the new era... the next chapter in US history, the next presidency, begins... when i graduate.... the Universe some say, works in mysterious ways... to me... Universe knows whats going on! ;)

1 comment:

My Turn said...

there's this group of lawyers in new york who are actually trying to put together an impeachment suit, or at least the evidence and paperwork for one so if/when impeachment is brought on they are ready to go.