Monday, July 2, 2007

changes... ON A BULLETIN?

so this is what i posted.. ON A BULLETIN

i love summer

it is such a time for changes, and a new cycle is
warming up ahead of us. in our case, reallly warming up. (you should check out
watch 7-7-07 for more info on THAT.. follow from myspace...)

anyways. i would say half the most important, if not maybe even 77%, people in my life celebrate their birth between end of may and july. i am so used to sendin my well wishes around this time to all those i love, and hoping they have a wonderful year ahead, it is such a "start of the year" feeling. THEN AGAIN, being jewish and a
student in the american school year have created a sense of new years starting
in september... so no wonder to me the american version of "holiday season" that
is, mid nov-dec, is really mid-june, july and then "hectic" august.

what i wanted to tell all of you, in this crazynessis that i wish you have an
incredible summer. may this summer be filled with love, with desire, with
commitment, and with peace.

you can also check out this blog... (that is if you really are up for quite a read!)if love guides us, and peace presents us.. we will be the change we desire...

*peace n love*

now why did i do that? of course its from the heart, and meant with pure love... but seriously, on a myspace bulletin? sometimes i want to reach out to so many, and i want to reach out and help them... and i just forget to think.

ahh well, to those who get it, they will enjoy it, and to those who dont..theyll ignore it :D

peace to all.

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