Friday, June 29, 2007


not exactly in the order, but quite mixed together. that has been my world for the past few weeks. chaos. bliss. so many emotions, all rolled together. what the biggest lesson learned is that no matter what, how big the feeling, you can not live on should have. so no matter what happens, what SHOULD have been done, its past us, and out of our control. we can control what we do now, and how we respond to it, and how we continue. dwelling on it only dampers our now, and then later will just be another should have. "I should have gotten over that months ago." should haves. one of our vows, is to cut out the should haves. im sorry if i should have, but i didnt, i will work hard so i dont forget again. and its over, and we move on, until the next shoulda have moment, in which we wont even ponder, becuase we dont let the should haves in.

some should haves are much more serious. but if they are that important, and necessary, then there is the now to correct it. and you can. so dont say i should call, i should call, either call or shut up about it. yes, it is that simple. you control your every moment, and if you live in yesterday, you will never enjoy today, and you wont be looking forward to tomorrow. it must be why we dont drive our cars in reverse... hmm... who woulda thunk it.

soo.. now that all my chaos is calming, and i find myself with time, i ponder what SHOULD i do now... and i find a way to not ;)

*peace n love*

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